My Friend Sam

My friend Sam

I enter an oval corridor
circles of distant murmurs.
Each vertical nook
is a Munch painting.

Peg-leg Stella hunching
gown open
in her drawer
of sagging memories.

Rose smiles with a frown.
The view outside her window
is only an illusion.

She pastes a magazine scrapbook
birds flowers children.

She loves children

takes her teeth out
grabs little hands
as though some magic
will escape through pores.

I look out the mindless glass

orange leaves

Closing my eyes tight
I pretend not to notice 
the smell of a rose.

Opening my eyes
there’s Sam’s Chair
his needle
penetrates burlap,
red, blue violet tapestry
deftly designed
oceans of beauty
discounted and excused
as an old man’s ramblings.

His heart beats a rhythm
out of sync;
his words are pregnant

his touch

A brillo beard weaves strands
of ink and yellow
among supper’s crumbs.

Deep creases surround
thalo blue blue eyes.

Where have you been? he asks.
I’ve been busy…

I need white and heavy green,
white for the ceiling,
green for the heart

and black too.

For what?



Sam- 1995  Oil on Canvas

My friend Sam

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